After a long delay in adding anything to the blog (yes bad ole' me), I'm pleased to say I have managed to spend some time with the Sony Smartband Talk. Which to my surprise, really is a neat bit of kit. 

Before I get started this isn't a smart watch of the Android Wear variety although much of the information you would normally get is there, without the massive talk back features you would normally find like in the Moto 360 et all. Its kinda a bastard little brother of Android Wear that is out to prove a point, and that it does.

Now as regular readers know, I don't really see the need for a smartwatch just yet as its basically a second screen for a phone with the same features, kinda pointless other than showing off to other geeks. Unlike the sports band market which is more mature in contrast with the Fitbit and Up 24. 

This is where the Smartband Talk almost plugs the gap between smartwatch and sports band. 

Set Up Pain

Now setting up the Smartband Talk is the most annoying set up ever, just like the Smartwatch 2 before it; you have wade through endless amounts of apps to get the dam thing working with voice / calender etc, once done though you're good to go. Although a good side note - if you are using STAMINA mode, just add the Smartband App to the ignored app list. All this is very annoying and I wish Sony would think this through before execution, it really does fell like a Smartwatch 2 in a different dress.

You Called ?

What makes the Smartband different is the ability to talk Dick Tracy style into your wrist, which while sounding the most nerdy thing ever, is actually really really useful. The mic is pretty good and the speaker does a decent job of getting the audio across to the recipient. You can add in alerts from text, hangouts and pretty much all apps you have installed, massively useful. Music can be paused and skipped, calls ignored or answered of course. 

But you don't just buy a band to be able to speak right, well no, the app links to your Life Log app, to count steps and all that guff and as a step counter it really works well, and all the other sport activities that you do. 


You can add the apps from the store like weather, and world clocks and this is where the smartband kinda ends. That sounds like a short feature list but lets look at the entire package. Steps, calls, notifications from tonnes of apps already on your handset and activities saved for future reference, not to mention the sport element (although not a very deep one).

Hang on thats a hefty part of Android Wear for less than $100 of a Moto 360. Ok it might not be as stylish but its a shed load more comfortable to wear for a start and the battery kills off the Moto 360 with a 3 day life.. 

One area the Smartband Talk does well in is voice control, you can read texts, ask what your schedule is like, weather reports, ask where you phone is.... I can go on. Again, doesn't this sound like Android Wear ?? Yes totally. 

So I would ask the question, not why should I buy an Android Wear device, I would ask, why shouldn't I buy the Smartband Talk ??

I kinda wonder that this great device will be lost in the crowded space of sport bands and the nerds gagging to get their hands on something else like the Asus Zen or LG G Watch, but if you seriously just want notifications in a smarter way without the bravado of a large marching band then you should really consider the Smartband Talk - it nails the job with a few extra features the others just dont manage. Did I mention is was also waterproof ? No, oh. 

Screen of Ink

The display is an e-ink effort in the same vein as the Pebble, and does a great job with a monotone black n white refresh that's even good to look at in the near dark. It might not be to everyone's taste but it really does pack decent clarity to a simple display, and surprisingly responsive too.

I'd highly recommend this watch for those needing to log casual sports and receiving some notifications without having a tin can on your wrist, it doesn't give you all the info for activities like the Up 24 for example so if you want that avoid this watch. If you want a more functional band that feels comfortable and gives you extra then go and buy.

Grab one at your local Sony Store or online for around $160.