So I've decided to call this, "quick pick," because I'll just be giving my early opinion on the games I choose before I complete it, because unlike big name game journalists, I have no one paying me to stay up all night completing a game for work. 

Let's get this out the way, I play multiple games at once, and because of this it can take me like a month to complete a game, pending how interesting it is, the length, and how much fun i'm having outside the house. So with that said, let's begin....


Graphically Dying light looks great in my opinion. From the look of the landscape to the dismemberment of body parts. When the sun begins to set, is when this games looks best to me, because It's as if the game's atmosphere is shifting into a whole new dimension, especially when you know what comes next. I've experienced nothing bad at all, other than my flashlight not really getting the job done in some areas, but it's nothing I couldn't get over.


The sounds in this game definitely get the job done. When sprinting you hear the heavy breathing from running out of breath. When attacking you get the sense of a successful impact with every blow, and when your running for your life at night, the sound of those mutant zombies chasing you, gives you every reason to never really want to look over your shoulder.


The story revolves around a agent named Crane, he has a first name, but I didn't care to remember it. At the point I'm at, Crane has been tasked with finding some secret Gov't file, but of coarse that's easier said than done, and Crane soon finds himself stuck doing task for two different factions, and having to deal with a heavy conscious as he makes some very tough decisions as the story progresses. Oh yea, Zombies hinder his every move.


Dying lights gameplay isn't anything new, when it comes to the concept of running around with a character that knows parkour, but where Dying Light differentiates itself, is having that ability while running from zombies. The combat is good, but good luck early on while being attacked by multiple enemies, it can get tough. Being able to run and jump everywhere gives you a real sense of freedom, and leaves you with the sense that you can escape almost anything. Co-op in this game worked really well, and being able to run through the main story with friends is a huge plus, and an advantage to you in the tougher areas of the game.

Game Vibe

As of right now I get a great vibe when playing this game. It's fun, engaging, full of quest, and perfect to play with friends. This game will go down as one of the best zombie games to hit a next gen console, and will be one to top in the coming years, and even if it is topped real soon, I can assure you that it most certainly outshines the Dead island series.