Lego Batman 3 is a two player action adventure lego game set in the DC universe, but sends players to outer space. This game is perfect for a wide variety of reasons, for one, it boast over 150 characters! if you and your children are into comic book heroes then that will definitely excite you. Whether your playing good or evil, it feels good to know that you have all those options at your disposal.
The game is also all built out of Lego, which makes the characters quirky but adorable in a funny way, and gives us puzzles which aren't that challenging, but can still make you and your child feel a sense of accomplishment when completed. Lego batman might only have room for two people to play, but it will definitely get the job done, and keep that smile on your and your childrens face.
Little Big Planet 3 (PS4)
This game will definitely encourage you and the family to work together, and if you like customization, your free to design all the characters however you like. If customizing your characters isn't enough, then feel free to work together creating any number of levels of your own. LPB 3 is a game that will last far beyond the holiday season with thousands of levels at your disposal, so buy it, because a family that games together......
Super Smash Bros (Wii U)
I still remember unwrapping a copy of Super Smash Bros for Christmas many years ago for the N64, and I regarded it as the best gift ever!! Now you have the chance to instill that feeling into your kid's or whomever will be with you throughout the holidays.
Smash Bros will forever be the game that you can sit down on the couch, and friends will become enemies and family members can become arch rivals. This game is packed with numerous Nintendo characters from Pickachoo and the Wii Fit trainer to the always recognizable Donkey Kong and Mario. Everyone in the room, which can be up to 8 players, will be pit against one another, on any grand stage to see who amongst you can hold the crown. This game will certainly leave the room filled with joy and sometimes anger (after repetitive losses), but will get the job done when it comes to keeping the family occupied and together.