There have been many new sectors to the technology market over the last 5 years, even more so over 10 but what stops new technology coming to market from freethinkers that don't have a multi-national backing them.

While Kickstarter is a wonderful platform, many of the technology ideas are stifled because they struggle to get their infrastructure right, many of the successful ones had a seriously bumpy ride at the start, and its normally down to the personnel not the money that makes the difference - however not all disruptive technologists are blessed with business acumen. Most of these issues can be identified by some careful planning but this isn't always the case with many falling over because the idea overtook the implementation.

So what can be done to help startups get their back end systems up to scratch or in fact their customer facing architecture. 

Firstly there needs to be some-kind of mechanism for technologists to see if there is anything out there which can accelerate their plan. Many plug and play off the peg services can help but to identify them is a different story. There is a huge gap in the market for these startups to get help where its needed without selling their souls away but alas that seems to be few and far between.

Second technologists sometimes over look the obvious in a bid to be different, using tried and tested can help with the disruptive, you only have to look at OUYA to know that making an Android console was just a 1/4 of the fight - without the back-end working away well that platform would have fallen onto its backside pretty quickly. Same could be said for Pebble, and many others that have been the darling of Kickstarter.

Even aside from a technology point of view there needs to be some thought with regards to all the legal issues and security planning thats needed.

Which brings me onto how you, as a technologist, can find out more on these issues and discuss a way round them.

Monday 27th October in New York there is an interesting event that discusses all these issues and more, its only $20 to attend and I suggest you come and join me there.

Eventbrite Disruptive Technology

New York Institute of Technology
16 West 61st Street11th Floor New YorkNY 10023