Towerfall was the only game I could put my hand on heart and say, this is 100% worth a purchase on OUYA, great game and despite it heading to other consoles, it did showcase what the little OUYA could do - which is produce a brilliant gaming experience, (something we knew all along though, right ?!)

Since its launch last week Toto Temple has been quietly burning away at my time and felt maybe just maybe we have another hit on our hands with another 4 way sofa smash affair. 

Juicy Beast Games have created an immensely fun game that puts upto 4 players whose challenge is to, well grab a goat onto their head and prevent it being stolen by avoiding the other players. Sounds crazy ? Yes it 100% is, but its also crazy good fun. I havernt really given the description justice here but watch the video and you catch my drift. 

If you have a full set of 4 sofa buddies, you can play all out Goatageddon with Deathmatch or Team up and play 2 v 2. Just avoid drinking beer, as the game can raise tensions !

Else, there are few options to be had inside the game but that's ok, because the concept will keep you returning with your mates or family of course thanks to the easy control system of two button to either dash or jump, meaning everyone can jump in. No finger / controller gymnastics required. Another plus is that you don't need OUYA controllers, the PS3 option is available here too.

So go and download this game right now. For a few bucks its very much worth every cent. 

Want to see the game running, then watch this....or on YouTube the link here...

Toto Temple Deluxe from OUYA on Vimeo.