This afternoon it appears Sprints merger with T-Mobile is dead in the water and I cant say I'm shocked or unhappy about it. 

It would seem someone else is delighted too, magenta's own John Legere has been busy on twitter trolling Sprint with their failed bid, with a series of tweets. 

T-Mobile have been adding customers with their "uncarrier" policy and looks like they themselves have been freed from a carrier which could have been very disruptive to the very customers that liked T-Mobile for its policies in the first place. 

Sprint would have also caused some handset issues going forward being a CDMA carrier over the GSM standard T-Mobile use. No idea how that would have worked out technically but only one loser in that battle !

Anyway the battle is over and the war is won, +T-Mobile get to live another day making waves in the US market which is smothered with +Verizon Wireless and their restrictive handsets and network.

If you are on twitter, then follow John on "@JohnLegre" well worth a follow.