For those of you who are familiar, or maybe even caught a whiff of Android for the Desktop, then you would know that every project needs something. That something is coders, and sometimes UI designers, but, coders is what we need here.

This project which was started in March of 2013, began with one person, and began to somehow find who it needed somehow.

From that day forward the plan began to line up, the ideas began to be pushed, but it lacks coders. This is a mega plan that will, WILL, change the future of Android, but the desktop is lacking its core players.

Yes some coders exist, and some other important roles exist, but it isn't enough, and we need you. And by you joining this team I can guarantee you that you won't regret your decision.

Android will develop and move forward and become global on the desktop. Do not place doubt within yourself or the abilities we possess, do not let the internet tell you that Android doesn't belong on the desktop. That is the opinion of one person, don't let your path go that way. But here, you have a team who knows what is happening and what the future will be, and you will just have to trust our work and ideas and what we have planned for the future.

This isn't just another "android" on the desktop but it is on ARM or something else. This is a rewrite, a redesign a future 64bit OS for the desktop that will change Android. This isn't a knockoff, this isn't just a "go use android x86" situation. This is beyond all of that, beyond anything you have in your mind.

Join us now and be a part of the future. This is it!

The positions we are looking for include:

(Please provide some work if possible or a really good explanation of what you can or have done)

UI/UX Graphics designers
C / C++
PHP or JSON (implementation)

If you have any of these and are really good at what you do, please contact me on G+, I will be more than happy to fill you in with information :D

You can check the Android Desktop community here

And remember, sharing is caring. So share this post! :)